Sunday, March 30, 2014

ObamaCare: Rendering to Obama the things that are God’s

By Stephen Z. Nemo:
The US Supreme Court will decide if the government has a compelling state interest to suppress religious freedom in the name of ObamaCare. And the Obama media are waking up to the fact that with a certain friend in the White House, who needs enemies.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rand Paul takes his Freedom message to Berkely while Vladimir Putin sends a message to Obama’s declining America

By Stephen Z. Nemo:

Senator Rand Paul stunned conservatives and liberals alike when his Tea Party message received enthusiastic applause from university students. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea resets Obama’s naïve Russian diplomatic reset.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sharyl Attkisson and a free press that hates freedom

By Stephen Z. Nemo:
Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson is a victim of her own success. She dragged the mainstream media, kicking and screaming, down paths that led to Operation Fast and Furious and the Benghazi cover-up. Success made Attkisson hated among her equals and a target of the Obama White House.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Orwellian World of Harry Reid: The Liar who calls us Liars

By Stephen Z. Nemo:
Democrat defenders of collapsing, dictatorial ObamaCare have hit on a new tactic: call those victimized by its evil liars – including cancer victims. Maintaining the fiction that ObamaCare is efficient, cost-effective and a blessing to all mankind is difficult in our information age. But Obama and his cadre of Progressive masterminds believe they have a plan to control that information.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Tea Party!

The Tea Party celebrated its five year struggle to bind the mischief of big-government’s minions with the chains of the Constitution. We look back on the movements triumphs that point to the coming GOP primaries and beyond.